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A Convert from BENIN Republic who took the name RITA as her baptism name in her late 70s. Wedded according to the ancient African traditions, she became the second (2nd) of nine (9) wives afer her husband's first wife and child, passed away.  Although he wedded 8 more times, she remained with him till his death. The late RITA Zinhoue Catraye SAMBA KOSSOU came to Christianity after Christ healed her daughter of a disease that seemed to have no cures while staying with her twin daughter's family. Born a Triplet in Blezin, this widow once baptized in her seventies was blessed to live past 100 years and to see three (3) generations. SHe had a great devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and remained a faithful Catholic until her death. Elder Rita the Convert of BENIN Republic, ORA PRO NOBIS

Elder Rita the Convert & Rosa Mystica Socks

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